By Peter Sinn Nachtrieb. Directed by Geoffrey Hoffman. BOB, an epic adventure, chronicles the highly unusual life of Bob and his lifelong quest to become a "Great Man." Born and abandoned in the bathroom of a fast food restaurant, Bob energetically embarks on an epic journey across America and encounters inspiring generosity, crushing hardships, blissful happiness, stunning coincidences, wrong turns, lucky breaks, true love and heartbreaking loss. Along the way, Bob meets a myriad of fellow countrymen all struggling to find their own place in the hullabaloo of it all. Will Bob's real life ever be able to live up to his dream? BOB is a comedic exploration of American mythology and values, the treacherous pursuit of happiness, and discovering what it means to be truly "great."
Featuring Robert Hawkes, Doug Kusak, Nicole McLaughlin-Lublin, Katie Nabors and Eric Sever. Graphic design by Bill DrSketchy Lynn.